Toolbox API Documentaion

The Java Toolbox API Documentation set.


toolbox.allegato Provides classes to handle XML documents as configuration input. DEPRECATED: Replaced by the package.  
toolbox.beangen Provides classes to generate Java Beans from XML definitions.
toolbox.confgen Provides classes to generate configuration documents for all Toolbox API packages that are dependent on such configurations.
toolbox.dao Provides classes and interfaces to interact with RDBMS' using the Java Collections Framework. Provides a Oracle specific implementation of the toolbox.dao.ListBuilder interface to handle exclusive Oracle data types.
toolbox.dao.orm Provides classes and interfaces to enable basic Object Relational Mapping functionality.
toolbox.file Provides some useful file related utility classes.
toolbox.ftp Provides classes and interfaces to interact with FTP servers using the Apache Commons Net package.
toolbox.jms Provides classes and interfaces to interact with a JMS Broker.
toolbox.ldap Provides classes and interfaces to interact with LDAP Directories using the Java Collections Framework.
toolbox.logging Provides a custom LogFormatter.
toolbox.mail Provides classes and interfaces that implement a configuration interface and abstraction for the JavaMail API's.
toolbox.object Provides classes and interfaces to perform dynamic class loading and instantation.
toolbox.parsers Provides classes to perform various parsing tasks, including command line arguments, XML and delimited text.
toolbox.pdf Provides classes to generate PDF documents from XML defenitions using the iText PDF library.
toolbox.pooling Provides classes to develop custom object pools.
toolbox.queueing Provides classes to develop standalone server applications that require event queueing and threading. Provides helper classes to simplify security related tasks.
toolbox.servicegen.xml.dao.impl Provides classes and interfaces to develop service based API's. Provides classes to enable development of RDBMS based service API's using the toolbox.dao package. Provides classes to enable development of FTP based service API's using the toolbox.ftp package. Provides classes to enable development of JMS based service API's using the toolbox.jms package. Provides simple producer and consumer service implementations for general purpose messaging. Provides classes to enable development of LDAP based service API's using the toolbox.ldap package. This package provides a simple LDAP user and group provisioning API. This package provides the data types used by the simple LDAP user and group provisioning API. Provides classes to enable development of Mail based service API's using the toolbox.mail package. This package provides a simple mail sending API that can be exposed as a service. This package provides the data types used by the simple mail sending API. Provide classes to enable the development of client socket based service API's using the toolbox.socket package. This package provides a simple client socket API that can be exposed as a service. This package provides the data types used by the simple client socket API. Provides classes to enable development of UDDI based service API's using the toolbox.uddi package. This package provides a simple UDDI API that can be exposed as a service. Provides convenient service implementations for general purpose. Provides convenient bean definitions and service interfaces to implement a mechanism to persist audit information. An attempt to create a general header structure for service implementations. Provides interfaces and classes to implement logging as a service. Provides the data objects used by the interfaces and classes the in parent package. Provides integration to enable the use of the logging services from a variety of front-ends uncluding JDK and Apache Log4j logging packages, aswell as raw XML/HTTP. Provides classes and interfaces to facilitate integration with various web service frameworks.
toolbox.socket Provide classes and interfaces to interact with client sockets.
toolbox.uddi Provides classes and interfaces to interact with UDDI registries to obtain and publish WSDL service information.
toolbox.web Provides classes and interfaces to develop action based web applications.
toolbox.web.actions.session Provide actions for session related functionality.
toolbox.web.actions.sync2async Provides an action implementation and supporting interfaces and classes to facilitate synchronous to asynchronous communication.
toolbox.web.actions.wsil Provides action implementations to facilitate WSIL document generation capabilities.
toolbox.web.template Provides convenience classes that can be used in conjunction with the FreeMarker wrapper servlet of the toolbox.web package.
toolbox.web.util Provides some utility classes that can be used in action driven web application development.
toolbox.web.validation Provides classes and interfaces to develop HTTP request validators. Provides classes and interfaces to facilitate web service integration at a servlet container level.


The Java Toolbox API Documentation set.

Copyright © 2006 - 2012 Hannes Holtzhausen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.