
Package class diagram package
Provides classes and interfaces to develop service based API's.


Interface Summary
DependencyResolver Interface that defines a mechanism for resolving service dependencies.
Interceptor Interface that defines a method interceptor.
ObjectFactory Interface that defines a generic mechanism for developing custom Object Factories.
Service Interface definining a generic service interface.
ServiceEnvironment Interface that defines a generice service environment.
ServiceRegistry Interface that defines a service registry.

Class Summary
AbstractInterceptor Abstract implementation of the Interceptor interface.
BaseResolver Convenience base class that may be extended when implementing the DependencyResolver
BaseService Convenience base service implementation.
EnvironmentConfig Package protected class to store the configuration of a service environment for the default service registry.
FactoryResolver DependencyResolver implementation to resolve ObjectFactory dependencies.
JAMonInterceptor Interceptor implementation to monitor Toolobx Service implementations.
LoggingInterceptor Interceptor implementation to log method entry and exit events using the standard Java Logging facilities.
PojoResolver DependencyResolver implementation to resolve plain Java Object dependencies.
PropertiesFactory Simple ObjectFactory implementation to return a populated java.util.Properties instance.
ProxyFactory Static factory create java.lang.reflect.Proxy instances.
RegistryConfig Package protected class to encapsulate the configuration of the default service registry implementation.
ServiceConfig Package protected class to store the configuration of a service for the default service registry.
ServiceRegistryFactory Static factory to create and manage ServiceRegistry instances.
ServiceRegistryImpl The default ServiceRegistry implementation.
ServiceResolver DependencyResolver implementation to resolve Service dependencies.

Exception Summary
InvokeException Exception that is generated when a exceptions are encountered during interceptor method invocations.
ServiceException Exception that is generated when a exceptions are encountered during any service related operations.

Package Description

Provides classes and interfaces to develop service based API's.