Package toolbox.dao

Package class diagram package toolbox.dao
Provides classes and interfaces to interact with RDBMS' using the Java Collections Framework.


Interface Summary
ConnectionManager Interface to abstract the underlying mechanism of obtaining managed connections.
DaoBean Defines an interface that can be used to persist Java Beans.
DaoBeanEx Defines an interface that enhances the DaoBean interface with additional methods on property and mapping types.
DaoManager Defines an interface for developing a Data Access Object manager.
DaoWorker Defines an interface for developing a Data Access Object worker.
ListBuilder Defines an interface that will be used to implement classes to construct lists from java.sql.ResultSet instances.
TransactionContext Interface defining an abstraction for JDBC transaction handling.

Class Summary
AbstractDaoManager Abstract DaoManager that provides convenience methods when implementing the DaoManager interface.
ConnectionManagerDataSourceImpl Abstracts the mechanism of obtaining managed connections from a javax.sql.DataSource instance.
ConnectionManagerDerbyImpl Specialised ConnectionManager implementation to facilitate the use of the Apache Derby embedded database environment.
ConnectionManagerPoolImpl Abstracts the mechanism of obtaining managed connections from a toolbox.pooling.JDBCResourcePool instance.
DaoBeanComparator Comparator implementation to compare the property values of toolbox.dao.DaoBean instances.
DaoWorkerImpl Default implementation of the DaoWorker interface.
FieldDefinition Encapsulates the definition of one database field.
GenericDaoManager Generic DaoManager implementation that should work with most JDBC compliant databases.
IgnoreKeyCaseMap Conveniece class to retrieve values from a HashMap using case insensitive keys.
JDBCAccess Provides low level JDBC functionality.
JDBCTypeMapper Utility class to perform Java Object to JDBC and JDBC to Java Object type mappings.
ListBuilderImpl Default ListBuilder implementation that applies generic type conversions.
MapComparator Comparator implementation to compare the values contained within Maps.
MetaDataHelper Convenience class containing methods to return meta data from a database connection.
MySQLDaoManager DaoManager implementation for mysql databases.
NoDictDaoManager DaoManager implementation that does not define a data dictionary.
PreparedQuery Convenience helper class to generate SQL queries in Java PreparedStatement format.
Query Class that generates SQL query strings in Java prepared statement format.
TableDefinition Encapsulates the definition of a single table.
TransactionCtxImpl Default implementation of the TransactionContext interface.

Exception Summary
DaoException Indicates exception while performing DAO operations.

Package toolbox.dao Description

Provides classes and interfaces to interact with RDBMS' using the Java Collections Framework.