Package toolbox.web

Package class diagram package toolbox.web
Provides classes and interfaces to develop action based web applications.


Interface Summary
Controller The controller interface specifies a pluggable mechanism to develop front controller implementations.
Finaliser Interface that provides a mechanism to implement shutdown hooks for web applications.
PermissionPlugin Interface that deifines a plug-in mechanism for the PermissionFilter of this package.
UserInfoService Interface defining a service that can be implemented to obtain user information from a user repository.
WebAction Defines an interface for developing web application actions.

Class Summary
AbstractPermissionPlugin Abstract plug-in implementation that may be extended when implement PermissionPlugin's.
AbstractStringWebAction A convenience WebAction implementation that may be extended to handle the body of HTTP requests as String instances.
AbstractXMLWebAction A convenience WebAction implementation that may be extended to handle the body of HTTP requests as XML Document instances.
AppFinaliser Destroys all application environment related resources within a web application.
AuthedFilter Filter implementation to verify that requests are made as part of an authenticated session.
BaseWebAction Base class that may be extended when implementing the WebAction interface.
ControllerServlet Front Controller servlet for developing web applications.
HttpSessionAttributePlugin Simple PermissionPlugin to check the value of a specific HttpSession attribute.
LDAPUserInfoService UserInfoService implementation to obtain user information from an LDAP directory.
PermissionFilter Filter implementation to apply transparent access permissions to web applications developed using the Toolbox API.
ServiceRegistryFinaliser Destroy the ServiceRegistry configured in the file.
ServiceRegistryShutdownListener Simple ServletContextListener implementation to shut down a specific instance when the servlet context is unloaded.
SyncTokenFilter Filter implementation to ensure that no duplicate form submissions occur.
UserInfoFilter Filter implementation to obtain user information from a user repository and store the information in an authenticated session.
ViewServlet Servlet to process view request using the FreeMarker Template Engine for rendering.

Package toolbox.web Description

Provides classes and interfaces to develop action based web applications. The package also provides a Servlet implementation that acts as a wrapper for the FreeMarker Template Engine.