Package toolbox.mail

Package class diagram package toolbox.mail
Provides classes and interfaces that implement a configuration interface and abstraction for the JavaMail API's.


Interface Summary
MailManager Interface defining a generic mail manager to manage the various Toolbox Mail API components.
SessionManager Interface defining a mechanism to abstract the implementation details of obtaining a JavaMail Session.
SMTPMailer Interface defining a generic SMTP based mailer.

Class Summary
MailManagerImpl Default MailManager implementation.
SessionManagerJEEImpl SessionManager implementation that utilises a JNDI lookup to obtain a reference to a javax.mail.Session instance.
SessionManagerMailConfigImpl SessionManager implementation that utilises the toolbox.allegato.MailConfig class to obtain a reference to javax.mail.Session instance.
SMTPMailerImpl Default SMTPMailer implementation.

Exception Summary
MailException Indicates exceptions while performing mail operations.

Package toolbox.mail Description

Provides classes and interfaces that implement a configuration interface and abstraction for the JavaMail API's.