Class WSClientService

Package class diagram package WSClientService
  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class WSClientService
extends BaseService

A convenience service implementation to develop Web Service clients.

Developers will extend or use this class to obtain a reference to a web service client using either static configuration or a instance to obtain the remote service details dynamically.

WSClientService implementations must be configured with a specific XML configuration document. An example is provided with the Toolbox distribution at the following location: etc/wsClientService.xml.

Configure service implementations based on this class as singleton to avoid looking up and creating the service reference on each access of the getServiceObject method.

Nested Class Summary
(package private)  class WSClientService.WSClientPasswordCallback
          WSS4J callback implementation to return the WS-Security password that must be used to access the service.
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
protected  void clearMessageID()
          Clear the message id from the previous method invocation.
 void create(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String confHome, ServiceEnvironment env, XMLProperties xmlProps)
          Call the parent class.
 void destroy()
          Destroy this service.
protected  java.lang.String getMessageID()
          Return the message id from the previous method invocation.
 java.lang.Object getServiceObject()
          Return a reference to the service this client is accessing.
 void setBus(org.apache.cxf.Bus bus)
          Set the CXF bus that must be used by this client instance.
protected  void setPassword(java.lang.String passwd)
          Set the password that must be used to authenticate against the service.
 void setSimpleUDDIService(SimpleUDDIService uddiSvc)
          The injection point for the SimpleUDDIService dependency when dynamic service lookup is employed.
protected  void setUser(java.lang.String user)
          Set the user name that must be used to authenticate against the service.
Methods inherited from class
getConfigHome, getName, getProperties, getProperty, getXMLProperties, logConfig, logFine, logFiner, logFinest, logInfo, logSevere, logWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WSClientService()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public void create(java.lang.String name,
                   java.lang.String confHome,
                   ServiceEnvironment env,
                   XMLProperties xmlProps)
            throws ServiceException
Call the parent class.

Specified by:
create in interface Service
create in class BaseService
name - The name of the service.
confHome - The path to the configuration home directory.
env - ServiceEnvironment of this service.
xmlProps - XML configuration properties.
ServiceException - if the service cannot be created.


public void setBus(org.apache.cxf.Bus bus)
Set the CXF bus that must be used by this client instance.

bus - The CXF Bus instance to use.


public java.lang.Object getServiceObject()
                                  throws ServiceException
Return a reference to the service this client is accessing. Service implementors can cast the returned object to the expected service interface.

NOTE: A new reference will be created everytime this method is called. To avoid this overhead only call this method once to obtain a reference to the remote service.

Object instance containing a reference to the service this client is accessing.
ServiceException - if the service reference cannot be returned.


protected java.lang.String getMessageID()
Return the message id from the previous method invocation.

String containing the message id from the previous invocation.


protected void clearMessageID()
Clear the message id from the previous method invocation.


protected void setUser(java.lang.String user)
Set the user name that must be used to authenticate against the service.

Call this method before calling getServiceObject to specify or override the user name that must be used to authenticate.

user - String containing the user name that must be used.


protected void setPassword(java.lang.String passwd)
Set the password that must be used to authenticate against the service.

Call this method before calling getServiceObject to specify or override the password that must be used to authenticate.

passwd - String containing the password that must be used.


public void setSimpleUDDIService(SimpleUDDIService uddiSvc)
The injection point for the SimpleUDDIService dependency when dynamic service lookup is employed.

uddiSvc - SimpleUDDIService instance.


public void destroy()
Destroy this service.

Specified by:
destroy in interface Service
destroy in class BaseService